Bad Behaviour

January 30th, 2023 / Kevin Ward

Sundance 2023

"Bad Behaviour" is easily the most disappointing of my Sundance 2023 slate. Jennifer Connelly stars as a former child actress that has checked herself into a wellness retreat run by Elon (gross name choice), played by Ben Whishaw. Connelly and Whishaw's scenes together are the best the film has to offer. And when Connelly adamantly professes, "I did not poop!" during one of the role-playing sessions, it was easily the funniest moment. Aside from that, the film didn't amount to much else. Dark comedy is tricky to pull off well, but the humor here was a massive miss. I had probably set expectations unfairly high for Alice Englert's (Jane Campion's daughter) debut feature. Pass.

— 2.5 / 5 ⭐

  • Director: Alice Englert

  • Screeplay: Alice Englert

  • Cast: Jennifer Connelly, Ben Whishaw, Alice Englert, Ana Scotney, Dasha Nekrasova, Marlon Williams

  • Producers: Molly Hallam, Desray Armstrong

  • Runtime: 107 minutes

  • Rated: NR