House of Darkness

September 15th, 2022 / Kevin Ward

On the same day “Barbarian” sees its theatrical release, Justin Long had another film released on streaming, and it seemed as though he was playing the same character. He has a knack for portraying a douchey and egocentric schlub. “House of Darkness” sees his character, Hap, meet Kate Bosworth's character, Mina, at a bar and proceeds to make the typical "nice guy" move of offering her a ride home. However, when Mina invites him inside, Hap gets more than he bargained for. 

It's obvious from the outset what mysterious Mina's true story is and that Hap is walking into a literal house of horrors. However, despite this premise, the film doesn't delve into horrors or scares at all, save for the very last shot. Instead, the majority of the film is comprised of conversations between Mina and Hap. Mina challenges and dismantles Hap's misogynistic attitudes by asking him simple clarifying questions that expose his flawed worldview. It's a film with a robust thematic premise, but not much happening on-screen aside from Justin Long squirming in his seat. 

“House of Darkness” is a film that will make you think and has some enjoyable banter between Bosworth and Long. Even though there isn't much action, Kate Bosworth's captivating performance kept me interested in the movie. It's a perfect film to have on in the background while doing something else, as you don't need to keep your eyes glued to the screen to enjoy it.

— 3 / 5 ⭐

  • Director: Neil LaBute

  • Screenplay: Neil LaBute

  • Cast: Kate Bosworth, Justin Long, Gia Crovatin, Lucy Walters

  • Runtime: 88 minutes

  • Rated: R