The Northman

April 13th, 2022 / Kevin Ward

Since 2015, Robert Eggers has made a name for himself with his directorial efforts, “The Witch” and “The Lighthouse.” His latest feature, “The Northman,” sees a young Viking prince battling terrible foes and inhospitable wilderness to avenge his father's murder. The film stars Alexander Skarsgard, Nicole Kidman, Anya Taylor Joy, and Ethan Hawke.  

“The Northman” is a thrilling revenge story with stunning visuals drawing inspiration from the “Norse legend of Amleth,” which has been adapted in various forms—most notably Shakespeare's “Hamlet.” Despite the familiar plot, the movie promises an exhilarating and unforgettable cinematic experience. Filled to the brim with violence and death, Eggers has created an experience that begs to be seen on the big screen. The acting, sets, makeup, and visuals are all working together seamlessly to create a powerful and immersive experience.

Alexander Skarsgård's performance in the film is truly remarkable. His physical presence exudes vengeance with every gesture and mannerism. It's incredibly inspired casting. Anya Taylor-Joy's similarly perfectly cast. Ethan Hawke's on-screen presence is incredible, and his feral yet regal portrayal of Amleth's King adds a unique flavor to the film. Willem Dafoe's eccentricity was on full display, as always. He is truly a national treasure.

The cinematography in this film is absolutely stunning, with every shot carefully crafted to perfection. The action sequences are breathtaking, and they leave you on the edge of your seat. The film departs from reality a couple of times via some dream sequences. I would have loved to get a version of this film that took a deeper dive into the fantasy imagery of those dreams. Even still, this film's considerable budget is gorgeously apparent on the screen, making it an unforgettable visual spectacle. 

Eggers' “The Witch” was a slow-burn horror, while “The Lighthouse” was an avant-garde experience not necessarily geared for mainstream audiences. “The Northman” is easily Eggers's most accessible feature, as it has a straightforward and, likely, familiar storyline. Still, this is the kind of film I absolutely love to sink into my theater seat and let it wash over me. I recommend that you check this one out on the big screen. 

— 4.5 / 5 ⭐

  • Director: Robert Eggers

  • Screenplay: Sjón

  • Cast: Alexander Skarsgård, Anya Taylor-Joy, Nicole Kidman, Ethan Hawke, Willem Dafoe, Björk

  • Producers: Lars Knudson, Mark Huffam

  • Runtime: 137 minutes

  • Rated: R