I Like Movies

May 21st, 2023 / Kevin Ward

SIFF 2023

Lawrence Kweller (Isaiah Lehtinen) is a 17 y/o PTA-loving film nerd with his heart set on going to NYU film school, where he presumes he'll be shooting his student films in 16mm. He is stuck in his self-centered ways of adolescence. He has never had a job and doesn't consider the cost of NYU. On top of that, he tends to push away and insult friends who don't cater to his wants. He recently found a job at a nearby video store. Still, he is more interested in taking advantage of the employee discount for rentals rather than earning money to contribute towards his education expenses. Lawrence's only likable quality is the fact that he loves movies. I have to credit Lehtinen, whose performance is authentically narcissistic and self-serving. But as a coming-of-age story, it's hard to root for Lawrence or even hope for redemption. After hearing Alana's (played by Romina D'Ugo) personal account of her film industry experiences, I sympathized more with her than with Lawrence. Ultimately, Lawrence does earn some redemption, and I appreciate that it comes more in turning a new leaf rather than mending fences. It's essential to learn that you can't un-burn a bridge or un-ring a bell. Equally important is the realization that pursuing your dreams shouldn't come at the expense of compassion and consideration for others. It's a competent coming-of-age drama by the end, even if I wasn't in Lawrence's corner at any point. And life-long film lovers will likely identify with Lawrence's passion for film enough to make this an enjoyable watch. 

— 3 / 5 ⭐

  • Director: Chandler Levack

  • Screenplay: Chandler Levack

  • Cast: Isaiah Lehtinen, Romina D’Ugo, Krista Bridges, Percy Hynes White

  • Producers: Lindsay Blair Goeldner, Evan Dubinsky, Chandler Levack

  • Runtime: 100 minutes

  • Rated: NR