Four Samosas

June 17th, 2022 / Kevin Ward

Tribeca Film Fest 2022

A charming and funny indie comedy that gave me early Kevin Smith Clerks-Mallrats vibes, complete with its own Silent Bob characterAspiring rapper Vinny finds out his ex-girlfriend is engaged to be married, so he assembles a crew from his neighborhood to break into her father’s grocery store and steal her dowry. And some other stuff happens too. There are many laughs here, even if it’s not uproariously funny. “Four Samosas” is a light and fun watch with solid performances all around, with the MVP going to Sharmita Bhattacharya, who is both captivating and comical with every moment of screen time. Well worth checking out, and it’s a breezy 79-minute watch, including mid and post-credit scenes. 

— 4 / 5 ⭐

  • Director: Ravi Kapoor

  • Screenplay: Ravi Kapoor

  • Cast: Venk Potula, Sonal Shah, Sharmita Bhattacharya, Nirvan Patnaik, Karan Soni, Summer Bishil, Meera Simhan

  • Producers: Ravi Kapoor, Venk Potula, Rajiv Maikhuri, Craig Stovel

  • Runtime: 80 minutes

  • Rated: PG-13