
January 25th, 2022 / Kevin Ward

Sundance 2022

Rebecca Hall elevates this thriller that takes a big swing in examining the destructive nature of abusive relationships. “Resurrection” starts like a standard stalker/thriller. Margaret (Hall) has a high-powered job and has a college-bound teenager, but when a face from her past, David (Tim Roth), appears everywhere she goes, her mental stability goes into a tailspin. Margaret's fear for herself and her daughter is palpable, thanks to Hall's gripping performance. Each time she encounters David, her visible terror builds the intrigue around their mysterious past even further. But when Roth reveals the secrets of their history in a monologue, single shot, direct to camera, this stalker-thriller turns into a Lynchian psychodrama. Although it may not be as wild as “Possession,” the movie has a surprising ending that is very much "out there." The finale certainly made it an engaging and thought-provoking watch.

— 3.5 / 5 ⭐

  • Director: Andrew Semans

  • Screenplay: Andrew Semans

  • Cast: Rebecca Hall, Tim Roth, Grace Kaufman, Michael Esper, Angela Wong Carbone

  • Producers: Tim Headington, Lia Buman, Tory Lenosky, Alex Scharfman, Drew Houpt, Lars Knudsen