Sometimes I Think About Dying

January 30th, 2023 / Kevin Ward

Sundance 2023

Daisy Ridley gives a quietly captivating performance as Fran, an office worker whose introversion has manifested into depression. But a new co-worker awakens her longing for human connection and reveals an affecting and touching story. The first half has a sluggish plodding pace emphasizing the mundanity of office life. Daisy barely speaks a single word of dialogue. She slinks away from attention and interaction and slumps down in her chair. The film is challenging to watch because it takes so long to get to the point. Viewers who stick it out will find it reasonably rewarding, though. Even the most extreme introverts have that yearning for human connection. We all do, even if expressing that outwardly is painful or uncomfortable. I loved Daisy in this role, and this is worth checking out for her performance alone. 

— 3 / 5 ⭐

  • Director: Rachel Lambert

  • Screeplay: Kevin Armento, Stefanie Abel Horowitz

  • Cast: Daisy Ridley, Dave Merheje, Parvesh Cheena, Marcia Debonis, Meg Stalter, Brittany O’Grady

  • Producers: Alex Saks, Daisy Ridley, Dori Rath, Lauren Beveridge, Brett Beveridge

  • Runtime: 91 minutes

  • Rated: NR