Speak No Evil

January 23rd, 2022 / Kevin Ward

Sundance 2022

“Speak No Evil” is a really fun horror thriller that pushes the politeness of a couple and their daughter to the limit. When a Danish family decides to visit a Dutch family they met during a holiday, they soon realize that the weekend may not turn out as idyllic as they had hoped. Despite their best efforts to remain polite, the Danes encounter unpleasantness that slowly unravels their plans. This film has some of my favorite horror tropes and a genuinely distressing climax. On the downside, the film takes too long to reach its final destination. It's clear from the beginning where the movie is going, so it would have been better if it got there earlier. Furthermore, the movie's message is disappointingly nihilistic--Don't be polite. Beware the kindness of strangers.--Is this what we're supposed to take away from this film? Nihilistic message aside, this was an entertaining ride.

— 3.5 / 5 ⭐

  • Director: Christian Tafdrup

  • Screenplay: Christian Tafdrup, Mads Tafdrup

  • Cast: Morten Burian, Sidsel Siem Koch, Fedja Van Huêt, Karina Smulders, Liva Forsberg, Marius Damslev

  • Producer: Jacob Jarek

  • Runtime: 97 minutes

  • Rated: R