The Courtroom

June 15th, 2022 / Kevin Ward

Tribeca Film Fest 2022

A stripped-down courtroom drama adapted verbatim from actual transcripts. As such, it can lean heavily into legal jargon. I found it to be incredibly engrossing. While obtaining a driver's license, a Filipina mistakenly registers to vote under the guidance of a DMV employee. When she subsequently (and illegally) casts her vote in a federal election, she finds herself at risk of being deported. The movie showcases how flaws in our social systems can lead to severe and potentially permanent outcomes. The performance of Kristin Villanueva is outstanding. I empathized with her immediately. As someone who is half-Filipino, it is always heartening to see Filipino representation in movies. Because it's adapted direct from transcripts, it feels much more like a stage play than a film. At the same time, that puts the dialogue and the words into direct focus rather than set-dressing on cinematics. It's a simple and effectively moving drama.  

— 4/ 5 ⭐

  • Director: Lee Sunday Evans

  • Screenplay: Arian Moayed

  • Cast: Marsha Stephanie Blake, Michael Braun, Kathleen Chalfant, Hanna Cheek, Michael Chernus, Michael Bryan French, Mick Hilgers, Linda Powell, Kristin Villanueva, BD Wong

  • Producers: Damon Owlia, Jonathan Olson

  • Runtime: 87 minutes

  • Rated: NR